Mysterious crop circles part3

srijeda, 29. rujna 2010.

An interesting event that took place in July 1990-the year in the Vale Rewsey, when strong buzzing and dog barking echoed in the night. In the next morning, people could not found a machine that has a accumulator, all the tractors, cars and other transportation equipment and farm stands have been immobile, with empty accumulators. Even stranger thing was to find crop circles in one of the nearby fields.

There are lot of testimonies of these phenomena, the researchers were reportedly using binoculars for night reconnaissance saw a circular motion which is squeezed into the appropriate pictogram. Farmers said that they
have seen strange lights in the sky before the formation of mysterious circles, and animals generally refuse to enter into these areas.

Crop circles are still far from any kind of explanation, some of us believe that extraterrestrial civilizations leaving specific messages, some claiming to be the same and just play with that phenomena have no real value, others will call it all a big fraud and stupidity.
Whatever is the case, it is difficult to ignore the phenomenon, crop circles are reality which is waiting to be explained, until then, we have to guess.

Mysterious crop circles part2

Studies have indeed shown that anomalies appear in these circles that do not have appropriate explanations. Stems of plants in these structures were never broken but just bent, and there could not be found any traces of human feet or any other clues of human actions. Also, laboratory studies have shown that the plants were subjected to molecular changes, plants show a thickening of the wall sites, and changes in the pore walls of the pages have been expanded and where in trapezoidal shape. This phenomena is even more significant if we take in consideration that all stems of the surrounding area an control area, have within the geometric figures cell structures that normally did not suffer any change. These changes probably arise from microwaves, researchers were able to trigger these changes in the laboratory using exactly these waves.
All these occurrences
except any other are unbelievable enough that we can say that this is the work of technology currently unknown and inaccessible to humans.

Also significant is the ground in the pictograms, it shows a very high degree of dehydration and radiation as much as 10 times higher than normal. Some authors argue that the plants inside of these formations continue to grow if they are not stepped by the people so that farmers have virtually no losses. This information is not verified but it was certainly possible if one takes into account both the stems are never broken, only twisted.

Within the formations, electromagnetic frequencies of 7.5hz
can often be measured, although this frequency varies from place to place, we can not ignore the fact that it is the same EM frequencies that often catches the occurrence of a UFO. After all of this information is almost superfluous to say how Doug Bower and Dave Charley's explanation, which we mentioned in previous post, we can not take into consideration when it comes to those 20% of pictograms that contain all of these phenomena with the almost unbelievable complexity and precision of workmanship. Two people (or more) with a wooden plank or any other handy tools, which the duo stated certainly could not do it.

Mysterious crop circles part1

Mysterious phenomena of crop circles attracted the public attention since the 70-ies of the last century when they first started to appear in England. Why exactly there is not known to us, but some scholars hold that it was likely associated with a very complex network of energy that exists in England, it is in constant interaction with groundwater and quartz crystals from the earth, thus creating a specific magnetic field.
Lunar gravity action leads to the periodic discharge of these crystals and it is assumed that this creates the necessary conditions for the creation of these formations in the fields.

In early 1990-ies
two men have appeared and offered the explanation of the origin of crop circles. Specifically Dug Bower and Dave Charley argued that they are the ones responsible for the occurrence of these phenomena in England and told how they made them with their hands using a metal rod, the tendon ports and wooden planks. They demonstrated to reporters and curious people how they did a perfect circle for about half an hour. It seemed that the phenomenon of pictograms was resolved, but this is by far not the case.

Specifically, although one of these phenomena certainly work crooks, there are about 20% of those that claim that it is not possible be the work of human hand. The picture is one of those that certainly belong to the sphere of unexplainable, it was found in Wiltshire in England this year and shows how to make a diagram of Tesla's electrical transistors. When talking about unexplained phenomena or mysterious experiments the name of Nikola Tesla
occurs very often, he is in fact one of the true, if not the greatest pioneer of science.
Researchers are confident that our foreign intelligence indicates the pieces of the puzzle we have not yet managed to figure out, namely it is assumed that there is something much more in the former Tesla's patents from that we can see and that it suggests to us the right way.

North Magnetic Pole rushes to the east!?

petak, 12. ožujka 2010.

Earth's north magnetic pole moves down to Russia at a speed of nearly 65 kilometers per year, according to a new study wit an explanation that this is a consequence of changes in the Earth's magnetic core.

The very core is too deep so we are not able to directly measure its magnetism, but scientists calculate the data on it using the surface magnetism as well as that in the space around the planet, reports National Geographic. According to new data in one location in the surface layer of the core there is a sudden change in the magnetic field, and it is believed to be caused by changes of magnetism in the deeper core. Scientists believe, that this is responsible for moving the pole, which is located near Canada's Ellesmere Island, to the east and Russia.

Scientists determined the exact location of magnetic north pole in 1831st year. Since 1904th it began to steadily move toward the northeast at a speed of about 15 kilometers per year. The situation remained unchanged until 1989. when the pole accelerated, 2007. confirmed that his speed to Siberia increased to 55 to 60 kilometers per year.

Geologists believe that Earth's magnetic field exists because the iron cores of planets around rapidly circulating molten rock. As the molten core of constantly moving the scientists believe that changes in its magnetic field can cause changes the location of the surface magnetism and thus affect the shift of the poles.

New data show the benefit of this theory, but scientists still can not say with certainty how the magnetic north pole move, adding that could change in the core magnetism may occur in some other place that would turn half of the movement could be directed in a completely different direction.

Planet X conspiracy (part 2)

NASA knows about Nibiru and, to avoid panic they keep the truth for themselves. Informants within NASA speculate with SETI and C.I.A. that 2 / 3 of people will be disappeared during the changes caused by Nibiru passage.

The next 2 / 3 of the survivors will die because of famine and exposure to the elements in the next six months. All organizations in the world and the Vatican have been aware of these facts and covering up the truth because of possible panic and destruction of monopolies, and the religions that control the people ... the public was not given a chance to prepare! The most important thing that will happen to the Earth is covered up to control the masses, these managers worth the money that can be provided from the upcoming scourge more than human life. But the public can be saved by been well informed, many parts of the earth suffer from earthquakes and tsunamis, which are a prelude to what will happen.

I hope that this text is as crying in the darkness for some and that it will wake up civilizations and see the truth.

Planet X conspiracy (part 1)

As Nibiru is approaching the inner solar system it will akcelerate below the ecliptic, passing under and beside the sun before it go back up on the corner of 33 degrees.

Nibiru will first be shown to people who will be able to see it on 15.5 2009 as a reddish object in the sky until then the only way to see him will be from the southernmost point in the south. Until May 2011 planet x could be seen with the naked eye, and on December 21, 2012 it will pass through the ecliptic and will look more like the size of our moon. After that it will perform a very bad weather and earthquakes. The worst is coming in 2013 (15 Feb), the Earth will be inclined, and there will be mega-earthquakes and tsunamis around the world. Then, to February 1, 2014 Nibiru will pass through our system and will not affect our planet anymore.

Planet X (Nibiru) that scares us!?

Nibiru is one of many planets circling around a dark star (brown dwarf). The star has 5 minor planets, the sixth planet has the size of the Earth, is inhabited and is the seventh planet or object that is called Nibiru.The sixth planet was inhabited by the ancient Anunnaki race''''which was recorded in Sumerian mythology koa ''Giants and the Gods of ancient times'', Nibiru is mostly not inhabited and it serves as Battalion station. When the dark star of the perihelion (point closest to our sun) has a wide enough orbit that slits our solar system near Jupiter, although it can vary. His passing is perhaps about a few short weeks or months, after which it totally disappears from sight. Fiery red color with the tail of the remains of other planets circling around it several satellites. Nibiru and its moons are responsible for the destruction of Maladek which is now the asteroid belt, is also conditioned formation of craters and scars on the surface of the moon.

Annunaki theory on the origin of man

The Bible says that talking about the creation of Adam, are the summary view of far more detailed Sumerian texts, written on clay tablets, in which the role of the Elohim in the Book of Genesis play the Anunnaki's - "Those who came from Heaven to Earth."

The Anunnaki came to Earth before 450 000 years from the planet Nibiru - planet of our solar system that orbits its huge lead in our part of the sky every 3 600 years (12th planet). They came here in search for gold, with which they wanted to protect their thin atmosphere. They were exhausted and they needed help, and their chief scientist Enki suggested to use their knowledge of genetics to create the necessary Primitive workers. When the other leaders of the Anunnaki asked: 'How can you create a new being? ", He replied:" Being that we need already exists; everything we need to do is to put our mark on it. " This happened before some 300 000 years.

He had in mind the genetic upgrading of existing hominids (developed by evolution) by adding some advanced Anunnaki genes. The Anunnaki, who could travel through space before 450 000 years, had developed the science of genetics (to whose threshold we have now reached) is clear not only from texts, but also from the fact that DNA is a double coil shown as intertwined serpents (symbol which is still used for medicine and treatment). When the leaders of the Anunnaki approved the project (it is an echo of the biblical "Let us make Adam"), Enki with the help of Ninharsag, the main doctor Anunnaki, dedicated to the process of genetic engineering, by adding and combining genes Anunnaki with those of the existing hominids.

When they, after much trial and mistakes, as the impressive manner described and recorded in ancient time, got a "perfect model", Ninharsag picked him up and shouted: "My hands made him!" Ancient artists painted the scene on the cylinder seals.
And that's the way we came in possession of a unique extra genes. It also explains the theory of polytheism, which was present until the Annunaki departure from the Earth, when people started to believe in one god.

The Holographic Universe (part 2)

subota, 27. veljače 2010.

After they reach their observation point, Bohm and Pribram quickly realized that the holographic model explains many other mysteries, including the apparent inability of any theory, no matter how comprehensive, that in any way to explain all phenomena in nature, the ability of individuals to hear with only one ear and to determine the direction from which comes the sound, our ability to recognize the face of the man whom we have not seen for many years, even if the person has much changed in the meantime.

However, the most astonishing thing in the holographic model is that suddenly made sense of a wide range of phenomena that are so incomprehensible that they are usually grouped outside the scientific understanding. this phenomenon include telepathy, precognition, mystical feelings of unity with the universe, and even psychokinesis, or the ability of the mind that moves physical objects and that no one touches.

Indeed, there is constantly growing number of scientists who embrace the holographic model, so it quickly became obvious that this new model helped explain virtually all paranormal, mystical experience, and in the last five to six years continued to inspire researchers and illuminate an increasing number of previously unexplained phenomena.

The Holographic Universe (part 1)

There are indications that suggest that our world and everything in it are just like the spirit of the images, projections from the level of reality which is so far beyond our that is literally beyond space and time.The main architects of this idea are among the world's most eminent thinkers: a physicist at the University of London, David Bohm, Einstein's protégé and one of the world's most respected quantum physicists, and Karl Pribram, neuropsychologist at Stanford University.

Bohm and Pribram have come to their conclusions quite independently one of another, working in two very different ways.

Bohm convinced himself in holographic nature of the world after years of frustration due to an impossible standard theory to explain all phenomena in quantum physics, while Pribram assured failure of standard theories of the brain in explaining the different neuropsychological puzzles.

How to recognize Indigo children?

srijeda, 24. veljače 2010.

Psychologists, psychiatrists and paediatricians have noticed an incredible phenomenon in 15-year-old and younger children. They called them children of a new era or Indigo children.

Scientists agree that these new kids made incredible evolutionary step. With incredible ease using modern technology, are incredibly intelligent and creative.

Indigo children are above average intelligence, with huge memory capacities. Are incredibly talented and have developed a strong awareness of who they are and what they are. Simply, we can say so, a new evolutionary type of man who is intelligent, capable, clever, creative, etc.

In addition to the color of their auras all the Indigo children have the same relationship to the following human characteristics:

* Come into the world with a sense of superiority and often behave in such a way
* Feel to deserve to be in this world and wonder if the environment does not share their opinion
* Are aware of who they are and often to show off to the parents
* Have a problem with absolute authorities
* Do not want to do some things that are stereotyped and which do not require creativity (eg, waiting in lines is very hard for them)
* Not subject to any systems (eg school), because they always think that they have a better solution
* To the Environment they are often considered antisocial, unless they are in the company with someone of their kind. In the case when such is not in the vicinity, they often retreat into themselves because they think that others do not understand them. The education is very difficult for them in the social sense.
* Have very large eyes with clear and penetrating gaze, and it is very difficult to lie to them

Indigo children - little geniuses or people with disabilities?

Indigo children who are so called because of the dominant color of their aura which is indigo-blue.

They are very intelligent, intuitive and spiritual children who learn easily and quickly, but can not stand authority. Previous methods of learning are tiring and boring for them. They learn ith the ease objects that interest them, but ignored others. These are children who require respect and fairness, and very vigilantly respond to any injustice. They occupy a general social issues such as world hunger, wars and environmental pollution, themes that are far beyond their age.

Indigo children are interested in science fiction and parapsychology. They simply love stories about wizards and elves, and often claim themselves to see ghosts. They have a very developed intuition, and are difficult to cheat because they feel when someone is lying. It happens that indigo children assume the role of parents and his brothers maintain that feeling throughout the entire life caring for other beings.

In the absence of knowledge and understanding for these children, they are often diagnosed with ADHD-attention disorder with hyperactivity.

Harry Oldfield's PIP-camera

Revolutionary PIP-camera, which was invented by British scientist Harry Oldfield, is showing us as energetic beings who communicate with its environment with a energy layer coating our body at all time.

Thanks to the ingenuity of software by Harry Oldfield, the first time we can actually see the acupuncture meridians, which flow of life energy known as Qi. Before the eyes of observers suggest the chakras, which
were in western science unattainable and as such they were unadopted.

With the help of
PIP-camera, we can see the origins of many diseases of the future long before their creation, on the energy body of our being, where, it seems they begin.

Indeed, it seems that we did not know the biggest and most important part of our being, and this is just an energy matrix that makes us, which reveals the PIP-camera invented by Harry Oldfield.

Chemtrails- chemical traces in the sky

nedjelja, 14. veljače 2010.

During sunny days, people around the world may see unusual trails behind the airplanes in the sky. They will be retained for hours and not fade away, which is a key characteristic of chemical traces, unlike ordinary contrails, which are fading.

Also, they will form a network or patterns that you would not expect from a regular passenger plane. This phenomenon was soon given his name - chemtrails. William Thomas, award-winning investigative journalist, first in 1998. began to speak publicly about chemtrails describing events that had begun to take place in the Canadian town of Espanola. In 2007 few members of the European Parliament, were asking questions about chemtrails to the European Commission, and even 2005th there are the same questions that could be heard in the Italian and Greek parliament. The draft law on the preservation of the universe yet 2,001th in the U.S. Congress, Congressman Dennis Kucinich put chemtrails to the list of exotic weaponry that he suggest to ban.

The media did not report on this phenomenon - only in 2006., induced by protests against chemtrails, climate change and climate modifications in Los Angeles, Channel 4 published a special report. Therefore, the discussions on this topic led on the Internet. Even there chemtrails were ridiculed and identified as the "urban legend".

Who is right? Is the world population really expose to a secret, extensive and continuous project of dispersion of aerosol from a plane, without their knowledge or consent?

Vril Energy and the Black Sun

It was believed that we can get the vril energy from the Black Sun, the big ball, "Prima Matter," which supposedly exists in the center of the Earth and gives light to Vril-ya race, and radiates radiation in the form of vril energy.

Vril Society believed that Aryans were the original biological descendants of the Black Sun. The main villa has been known since ancient times under different names: Chi, Ojas, Vrilo, astral light, Orgon, etc. In the discussion about 28 degrees, "the old and accepted Freemason Scottish Order" called Knight of the Sun, Albert Pike said: "In nature there is a powerful force, and a man would if he had and knew it to direct, he could change and revolutionize the whole world. "

It was the force that the Nazis and their occult circles, wanted desperately to release and direct it to the world and for which the Vril Society believed that Hitler has, as a manifestation of "Great Job" propagated by various secret societies throughout the ages.

Vril Society relied on a very old archetypes that were already in the minds of magician and alchemist, covered the idea of resurgence of the occult and scientific progress. The idea of mutation and transformation into a higher form of a "man-god " flowing through the descriptions of the Vril-ya race in the Buller-Lytton's "the coming race." Lytton himself was a member of the Rosicrucian Order, and therefore he was familiar with esoteric philosophies (and flows of the biggest scientific advances of our time).

German "flying saucer"

SS E-IV (Entwicklungsstelle 4 - or units for the development of the SS occult order, "Black Sun"), apparently developed in 1939. electromagnetic gravity engine which improved Hans Coler's machine on the so-called free energy, which is mentioned in his works, and Nikola Tesla (Free Energy), turning it into a power converter. Later it was alleged the pair Van De Graaf's generator and Marconi's ECT Instruments Dinamo (spherical tank made of mercury) to produce a rotating electromagnetic field of high power which reduce the mass and the effect on gravity. That drive, "Tachyonator 7", reportedly made the company "Thule Triebwerk" and set it to a specially designed disc.
Sources describe the existence of a large number of prototypes and subtypes of these aircraft. The names were mostly "rfz (Rund Flug Zeuge Discs 1-6) and the" Vril "1-11 and in the end" Haunebu "1-4. One could say that these pages about aircraft seem rather strange. Some aircraft types and subtypes among various authors classified differently.

The Dead Sea Scrolls

petak, 12. veljače 2010.

The Dead Sea Scrolls consist of some 900 documents, found in the 1947th and 1956. in 11 caves near Qumran near the ancient village Khirbet Qumran on the northwest coast of the Dead Sea. Scrolls were made of papyrus and leather (mostly) wrapped in linen cloth and then placed in clay jars. Assumed to be incurred during the period of the 163rd BC to the 233rd AD. These texts are mostly written in Hebrew, and a smaller number is in Aramaic.

In the spring of 1947 in a cave near the Dead Sea they were found in vessels in which were very old scrolls. Only a year after it became clear about what it is really about. Age of the scrolls was estimated for a period of 200th BC to the 68th AD and contain the oldest records of Jewish Bible. Among them is also found a copy of the biblical book of Isaiah was more than anything it had previously been saved in the original Hebrew language.

Publishing the content of those scrolls was followed by a large dose mystification. Some researchers have insisted that they prove the existence of the divine nature of Jesus, while they believed that there were hidden, for Christianity harmful items that were expelled from the official biblical version. By gradual publishing could be find out that the scrolls, except the biblical texts there are also unknown "comments" of the Bible, the last words of some figures, a list of rituals, instructions for the final apocalyptic battle, and even a list of buried treasure.

Dead Sea Scrolls have not yet been fully explored and their secret waiting to be solved in the new millennium

Third Eye - The Door To Spirituality

četvrtak, 11. veljače 2010.

In the east, but also in Western culture, the term 'third eye' is often associated with intuition, prediction and general spirituality and many other paranormal phenomena. However, some scientists are trying to prove that it has a biological basis and to hide it all inside

Third eye usually can be found in the form of paintings and drawings on the foreheads of ancient creatures drawn in the walls and statues in Buddhist temples. Researchers who are dealing with this phenomenon, think that it represents a memory of extraterrestrial human ancestors, or gods.

It supposedly gave ancient people extraordinary abilities such as precognition and telepathy. Therefore, today most Buddhists, devoted their lives to restore the lost divine possibilities. Such a project requires years of dedicated spiritual work that can result in the manifestation of paranormal skills.

Symbolism of the third eye

Not only to Buddhism but also in other Eastern religions, the third eye is a symbol of enlightenment and nirvana. In the iconography of India and East Asia generally they mark a point, eye or any other sign on the forehead of deities (Shiva), or enlightened beings (Being).

Called the eye of wisdom, the third eye is actually sixth or forehead chakra, which is indigo blue. The center of our soul is awake and acting on intuition, prediction, and the memories, the ability to visualize and understand mental concepts.
Hindus believe that the opening of third eye of Shiva means the end of the universe. Even today, many Hindus wear tilak (point on the forehead), which has mystical significance and represents the third eye.

According to Max Heindel, founder of the Rosicrucian communities in California, Pineal gland and pituitary are the two small bodies of which the latter represents the third eye. These mystical Christians also claimed that these bodies are inactive and therefore their influence in our daily life is rare and exceptional.

If the legend is true, in ancient times, when man was in connection with his inner world, these organs were his door in the world, and it will again serve a purpose in the future when humanity reaches a level of spirituality as it once existed.